Many people who are trying to lose weight are interested in how to lose 10 pounds in 6 days or more. Do you think it’s possible? Well I’ve done it several times before and I continue to do some of the same things to keep the weight off for good.
Things I did but don’t do anymore
* I ate vegetable soup throughout the day, which included carrots, celery, two cans of green beans, 2 cans of tomatoes, 2 cans of beef broth, green peppers and hot salsa.
I didn’t put any meat in this diet because I wanted to lose a lot of weight at one time, and meat takes longer for the body to digest than fruits and vegetables. But even though I lost 7 pounds in 3 days, I was really weak all the time from losing so much muscle mass and not getting enough nutrients like protein and carbs.
* I walked 2 miles a day -Now this was really hard because I hate exercising and it was very hard to walk half a mile due to my body being so drained and weak all of the time from the diet. I actually fainted a few times from lack of energy.
Things I do now that works.
* I eat a huge breakfast – I eat a big breakfast each morning because it gives me energy throughout the day as needed and it makes me emotionally alert while working being able to concentrate more. It also speeds up the metabolism that causes our bodies to burn fat even fastest all day long.
* Munch on small meals all day – I’m a greedy person and I love to eat while feeling good at the same time and eating 5 smaller meals a day makes it easier for my body to digest food and burn it as energy instead of fat.
These are just a few ways on how to lose 10 pounds in 6 days. Get with a good diet program that you will be able to stick to, and allows you to eat and lose the weight you want.
Eat your favorite foodsand STILL lose 7-10 pounds a week safely with NO side effects?